Saturday, January 15, 2011

Question... does blogging inprove your relationship?

Being new in the BDSM blog community (as a writer at least) i can't help but wonder if writing about your D/s relationship makes it better or worse.

There are a million blogs like mine out there and even thou they all focus on kinda the same things they are all very different. They all talk about their relationships or sometimes lack of them (in one way or another). Some subs (like me) need to have their posts approved by their Dom/me before posting and some doesn't but it gives the Dom/me insight to their subs way of thinking either way doesn't it?

i've read a few blogposts here and there that i've had the need to share with my Dom. Used it to start a conversation about something i feel we need to talk about, or just to get His thoughts on things. Very useful when someone puts my thoughts down in words (something i generally find hard, specially due to language difficulty). Even if it hasn't been long, i feel that me starting this blog was a smart move and i'm thankful Mr Evil thought so too, allowing me to start one. i'm pretty sure i'll be taking the blame for Him starting one sooner or later laughs but i'm glad He decided to start one too.

so the Question is, does your BDSM blog improve your relationship or no?


  1. Ours has helped a great deal. Mistress says I write in the blog things I would not say in real life. and that's true. Plus we've met some very interesting friends!


  2. Hey Snow:
    agree with Mick...think that it has really opened up channels!

  3. I think it kind of depends on the individual relationship. For us, it had helped. Mainly because I tend to have communication issues lol.

  4. i believe it does.. i believe it opens up more communication... more discussion between each other.. for besides the blog to talk about.. you can discuss the comments that are left on each post...

  5. Adding my voice to the consensus here... having a blog has definitely helped as a communication tool. Especially for someone like me, who communicates better by writing than through any other medium.

    Plus sometimes I use it to turn her on, lol.
